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The file menu is mainly used to access data in files, e.g., to load or store data, or to generate random data.

optimUMTS Menu Entry


Displays Copyright Information in an acknowledge dialog box.

Load terrain

Loads the terrain data from a file that can be mapped to memory allowing for optimized access of large terrain data. The file name extension must be map. See the terrain map file format for a formal description of the terrain map file content.

The file name is entered through the file select dialog. The selected file name is maintained and will be presented in a subsequent load command as initial dialog value.

A terrain is drawn as a greyish filled rectangle. The corresponding clutter data is drawn as a black rectangle. Note that the building clutter is automatically loaded using the same file name but replacing the extension with urb.

If any of the files cannot be read, an error message is shown. Once a terrain data file has been loaded, it can be removed through the Remove menu entry. Any base stations or mobile users--possibly being loaded previously--are removed.

Load base stations

Loads the base station data from a file. The current base stations are replaced by the new base stations. See the base station file format for a formal description of the base station file content.

The file name is entered through the file select dialog. The selected file name is maintained and will be presented in a subsequent load command as initial dialog value.

Load mobile users

Loads the mobile user data from a file. The current mobile users are replaced by the new mobile users. See the mobile user file format for a formal description of the mobile user file content.

The file name is entered through the file select dialog. The selected file name is maintained and will be presented in a subsequent load command as initial dialog value.

Load distribution parameters

Loads the mobile user distribution parameters from a file. The current mobile users are not changed. The new parameters take effect whenever the next mobile user distribution is generated. See the mobile user distribution file format for a formal description of the mobile user distribution file content.

The file name is entered through the file select dialog. The selected file name is maintained and will be presented in a subsequent load command as initial dialog value.

If mobile user distribution parameters are available, the corresponding region for which the parameters are defined is drawn as a yellow rectangle. Once a mobile user distribution parameter file has been loaded, it can be removed through the Remove menu entry.


Store assignment

Stores the complete assignment to a file. The file name is entered through the file select dialog. The selected file name is maintained and will be presented in a subsequent store command as initial dialog value.

Enter key

Asks for a key value to provide access to all features of the program. This menu might not be present in all demonstration versions.

Random base stations

Generates a random distribution of base station locations.

optimUMTS Dialog Box

Random mobile users

Generates a random distribution of mobile user locations.


Exits optimUMTS immediately.

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© 2001-2002, mobile connect GmbH, optimUMTS Manual Version 2.0