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Format of distribution parameter files

The distribution parameter file is an ASCII file with the following entries separated by white-space-characters:

ncols nrows xll yll size [ values ]

the number of columns of the matrix, the integer value must be positive and at least 2,
the number of columns of the matrix, the integer value must be positive and at least 2,
the x-coordinate of the center of the cell at the lower left corner of the matrix,
the y-coordinate of the center of the cell at the lower left corner of the matrix,
the size of a cell of the matrix in meters, the integer value must be positive and greater than 0,
the matrix defining the distribution parameters, there must be number of columns times number of rows many integer values present which must not be greater than 65535.

© 2001-2002, mobile connect GmbH, optimUMTS Manual Version 2.0