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Format of Script Files

Only ASCII script files are supported. Note that script files can contain commands to run other script files. The maximum nesting level is 10.

[script file] =

[header] { [rest script] } <end>

The type of the file must be script.

[rest script] =


[commands] =

[command] | [commands]

[command] =

<load> [load command] | <run> [run command] | <store> [store command]

[load command] =

<config> "file name" | <environment> "file name" | <material> "file name"

[run command] =

<path> | <field> | <fresnel> | <power> | <mcv> | <dop> | <dop> <optimize> | <script> "file name" | <system> "command"

[store command] =

<timeseries> "file name"

Example of a script file:

radiotracer version 2 script ascii
load environment "../dat/input/vigo.dat"
load config "../dat/input/vigo.cnf"
run dop
run system "cp ../dat/output/rt.dop /home/someone/dop_files/nice.dop"

© 1998-2004, mobile connect GmbH, RadioTracer Manual Version 1.8