The following common non-terminal symbols appear in more than one file described in the previous sections. They are classified in different sub-sections and within the sub-section they are given in alphabetic order.
<antenna> ( [antenna isotropic] | [antenna dipole] | [antenna short dipole] | [antenna monopole] | [antenna short monopole] ) <FREQUENCY> $float$:32 <POWER> $float$:32 <end>
Note that for a receiver antennae the power must not be specified.
<dipole> [antenna genpole]
<LENGTH> $float$:32
<isotropic> <POLARISATION> ( <vertical> | <horizontal> | <lhcp> | <rhcp> )
<monopole> [antenna genpole]
<shortdipole> [antenna genpole]
<shortmonopole> [antenna genpole]
<receiver> ( [receiver grid] | [receiver list] | [receiver region] | [receiver simple] | [receiver trajectory] ) { [antenna] } <end>
If no antenna is present, an isotropic default antenna is used.
<grid> <SIZE> $int$:16 $int$:16 <XMIN> $float$:32 <XMAX> $float$:32 <YMIN> $float$:32 <YMAX> $float$:32 [height]
<list> <NUMBER> $int$:16 [receiver list items]
There must be as many list entries given as indicated by the value of <NUMBER>.
[point] [height] | [receiver list items]
<region> [receiver grid] <REGION> <POLYGON> <NUMBER> $int$:16 [points]
The <grid> token after <region> is optional. There must be as many points given as indicated by the value of <NUMBER>.
<simple> <INDEX> $int$:16 [point] [height]
<trajectory> <DELTA> $float$:32 <NUMBER> $int$:16 [receiver list items]
There must be as many list entries given as indicated by the value of <NUMBER>.
<transmitter> ( [transmitter simple] | [transmitter list] ) <end>
<area> $float$:32 $float$:32 $float$:32 $float$:32 [transmitter point]
<TRANSMITTER> <NUMBER> $int$:16 [transmitter geo list items]
[transmitter geo list items] =
[transmitter point] | [transmitter geo list items]
<list> <NUMBER> $int$:16 [transmitter list items]
There must be as many list entries given as indicated by the value of <NUMBER>.
( [transmitter simple] | [transmitter area] ) | [transmitter list items]
[point] [height]
( <simple> <INDEX> $int$:16 ( [transmitter point] | [transmitter area] ) { [antenna] }
If no [antenna] is present, an isotropic default antenna is used.
any printable character, besides: 0-9 a-z A-Z $ . , - + { } "
<ascii> | <bin>
<ground> $float$:32
{ <comment> [comment symbol] } <radiotracer> <version> $int$ [type] [data format] <newline>
<HEIGHT> $float$:32
<INDEX> $int$:16
<NORMAL> [index]
( <on> | <off> ) | $int$:32
A value different from 0 means on.
<POINT> $float$:32 $float$:32
<POINT> [index]
[point] | [points]
<RADIUS> $float$:32
( <config> | <dop> | <field> | <fresnel> | <material> | <mcv> | <normal> | <path> | <point> | <scene> | <script> | <voltage> )
$float$:32 | [values]