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Format of LOS Multi-Coverage Files

The default extension for the name of a multi-coverage file is .mcv.

[mcv file] =

[header] [rest mcv] <end>

The type of the file must be mcv.

[rest mcv] =

<ENVIRONMENT> $int$:32 [transmitter geo list] <RECEIVER> [receiver grid] [mcv values]

The environment value represents the check sum of the environment file for which the LOS multi-coverage file has been computed. A value of 0 indicates that the check sum should be ignored (avoids possible warning messages). There must be number of receiver points (size of the grid) times number of transmitters many mcv values present.

[mcv values] =

[mcv value] | [mcv values]

[mcv value] =


A value different from zero means that corresponding LOS exits.

© 1998-2004, mobile connect GmbH, RadioTracer Manual Version 1.8