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Format of DOP Coverage Files

The default extension for the name of a DOP file is .dop.

[dop file] =

[header] [rest dop] <end>

The type of the file must be dop.

[rest dop] =

<ENVIRONMENT> $int$:32 [dop type] [dop method] [transmitter geo list] <RECEIVER> [receiver grid] [dop values]

The environment value represents the check sum of the environment file for which the DOP file has been computed. There must be number of receiver points (size of the grid) times number of transmitters many DOP values present.

[dop method] =

( <all> | <min> ) ( <2> | <3> )

[dop type] =

<gdop> | <pdop> | <tdop>

[dop values] =

[dop value] | [dop values]

[dop value] =

$float$:32 $int$:8 $int$:8 $int$:8 $int$:8

A negative DOP value indicates that no dop value could be computed for the corresponding receiver location. The four integer numbers indicate the indices towards the four respectively three transmitters which produce the minimal DOP value provided the [dop method] is min. Note that if more than 256 transmitters are present the field width for the indices is increased to 32 bits in binary files.

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© 1998-2004, mobile connect GmbH, RadioTracer Manual Version 1.8