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Power Delay Profile

The power delay profile plot shows the arrival times in [ns] of the different ray-paths versus its received power in [dBm] between the selected transmitter and the selected receiver. The times are given relative to the arrival time of the line-of-sight, i.e., if the line-of-sight path exists, its arrival time is 0.0. Example of a power delay profile plot:

RadioTracer Window Content

More information and the possibility to update or export the plot can be accessed through the [Update] menu entry of the window, which presents, for instance, a dialog like:

RadioTracer Dialog Box

See the plot setup dialog for a general description of the settings available through the [Plot Setup] button. See the PostScript setup for a general description of the settings available through the [PostScript Setup] button.

© 1998-2004, mobile connect GmbH, RadioTracer Manual Version 1.8