Brief Characterization of Features
optimUMTS works with the following input data:
the underlying terrain data as digital elevation data and
the corresponding building clutter data
a set of base stations with 3D coordinates,
a subset of the base stations can be fixed such that they always will
appear in the site selection
a set of mobile users as a distribution of 3D coordinates
in an area or a parameterized distribution with activation factor
objective Eb/N0
for uplink and downlink direction, optimUMTS handles
the Rx-Tx connections independently for all mobile-to-base-station
base frequency, noise parameters, and antenna gains,
parameters of the propagation model (Xia-Bertoni)
activity factor of the uplink connection and orthogonality factor
of the downlink connection
maximum transmitting power of receiver and transmitter,
pilot power and maximum channel power of the base station
service quality (bit rate) and validation percentage, i.e., percentage
of mobiles to which the service quality should be guaranteed
optimUMTS is based on heuristic and randomized
optimization techniques applying branch-and-bound and genetic
The main optimization criterion is the reduction of the number of
base stations while guaranteeing the desired service quality to
all mobile users.
The assignment of receivers to base stations is based on
minimum power requirements.
optimUMTS has no restrictions in the number of base stations
or in the number of receiver locations (besides the memory
restrictions and affordable run times on the simulation platform).
optimUMTS is a high performance tool that computes, e.g.,
a complete pathloss coverage map (Xia-Bertoni propagation model)
of a UMTS-cell of 4 square-kilometer with 1 m sampling distance
in less than 3 minutes (on a 800 MHz PC-based platform).
The principal output data of optimUMTS consist in the
set of base stations being sufficient to guarantee the desired service
quality to the given percentage of mobile user distributions.