Terms of use:
All informations are for personal use only,
any commercial use is forbidden.
All published informations on mobile-connect.de are copyrighted.
All informations had been created and chosen carefully.
Anyhow, mobile connect GmbH accepts no warranty for the correctness,
completeness and up-to-dateness of these informations.
According to §5 Abs.1 of the German Teledienstgesetz
from 22.07.1997 (TDG) mobile connect GmbH is
responsible for its own provided contents.
mobile connect GmbH is not responsible for third party
informations, which can be accessed via hyperlinks ("links").
mobile connect GmbH is responsible only for
illegal or criminal third party informations,
if mobile connect GmbH is apprised of these informations and has
the reasonable and technical possibilities to prevent their
ongoing utilization (according to §5 Abs.2 TDG).
Because of the fact that hyperlinks ("links") are not referring
to statical but potentially changing
third party informations, mobile connect GmbH can undertake no
enduring estimation of these informations.
During the creation of a hyperlink ("link"), mobile connect GmbH
assured itself of the harmlessness of these
informations according to civil and criminal law.
But according to the TDG mobile connect GmbH is not
legally obligated to permanently control the harmlessness of
third party informations provided by hyperlinks ("links").
If mobile connect GmbH detects changes in third party informations
provided via hyperlinks ("links") or is pointed out to such a fact,
mobile connect GmbH will immediately remove these hyperlinks
("links") if reasonable and technical possibilities exist.