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Example Outputs of RadioTracer Simulations

The examples in this page show some typical output data presented by the graphical user interface of RadioTracer. They are grouped as follows:
  • Environments: some building data bases of different complexity
  • Multi-Paths: results of ray-path computations
  • Point-to-Point: simulation results between a single transmitting point and a single receiving point
  • Point-to-Multi: simulation results between a single transmitting point and multiple receiving points (e.g., a trajectory)
  • Multi-to-Multi: simulation results between multiple transmitting points and multiple receiving points

The given run times for the coverage maps represent wall clock time (i.e., real time) executing RadioTracer on a PentiumII-based Linux platform with two 450 MHz processors and 128 MBytes of RAM. This means especially that all I/O-operations are included in the time measurements and that there is no pre-processing of input data necessary.

Simple a simple suburban-like environment with 35 buildings and trees
Vigo a more complex urban environment with 115 buildings
A Coruna a complex urban environment with 1635 buildings

Ray-Paths some ray-path visualization
orange line-of-sight, green leaving Tx, violet after diffraction, blue after reflection

Power-delay-profile power delay profile
Direction-of-Arrival direction-of-arrival (azimuth angles) at receiving point
Direction-of-Arrival direction-of-arrival (elevation angles) at receiving point

Power power variation along a trajectory (here, the contributions of each ray-path are added according to their complex field)
Power-sum power sum variation along a trajectory (here, the contributions of each ray-path are added according to their real-valued power)
Fast-variations fast power variation along a trajectory (this is just the difference between the power variation and the power sum variation)

Coverage power sum variation coverage map
environment: 110 building blocks, height distribution between 10 m and 35 m; antenna: Tx 3 m above building of height 22 m, frequency 900 MHz, isotropic, vertical polarization, Rx 10.000 sample points (approx. 6.8 m spacing) 3 m above ground; interactions: LOS and all ray-paths with one diffraction at a vertical or a horizontal edge, or with one reflection on a vertical wall, and all such ray-paths including additionally a reflection on the ground; full 3D search
run time: less than 5 seconds.
Coverage power sum variation coverage map
environment and antenna: same as above; interactions: LOS and all ray-paths with two diffractions at vertical edges, with one diffraction at a horizontal edge, with two reflections on vertical walls, all combinations of one diffraction on a vertical edge and one reflection on a vertical wall or vice versa, and all such ray-paths including additionally a reflection on the ground; 2D search, but 3D path calculation
run time: less than 3 and a half minutes.
Coverage power sum variation coverage map
environment and antenna: same as above; interactions: same as previous one; full 3D search
run time: less than 33 minutes.
Coverage power variation coverage map
same as previous one, but visualized as the complex sum of all multi-path components

Multi-line-of-sight multi-line-of-sight coverage map
visualizes through the color code how many Tx are visible with direct line-of-sight from each receiver location, the 10.000 receivers are located 1 m above the underlying environment (hence, as well on top of the building blocks)
run time: less than 5 seconds
Fresnel-zone Fresnel clearance coverage map
visualizes through the color code the percentage of clearance of the 2nd Fresnel zone for each receiver location, the 250.000 receivers are located 1 m above the underlying environment (hence, as well on top of the building blocks), transmitter frequency is set to 20 GHz
run time: less than 10 seconds
Dilution-of-Precision dilution-of-precision coverage map
visualizes through the color code the dilution-of-precision value (more precisely, the 2D PDOP) for each receiver location, the 10.000 receivers are located 3 m above ground
run time: less than 5 seconds

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