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Format of Configuration Files

Only ASCII configuration files are supported. The default extension for the name of a configuration file is .cnf.

The order of the different entries does not matter. If some entry occurs more than once, the last entry found in the file is taken as the final value. All key words can be abbreviated with a prefix. If the prefix is not unique, the key word that would occur first in a dictionary is taken. See the RadioTracer key words for a complete (ordered) list.

Example of a configuration file:

* (c) 2000, mobile connect GmbH
*     Universitaet des Saarlandes, Starterzentrum
*     D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
*     Tel. : +49 681 831 8858
*     http ://
*     email:
*     RadioTracer demo-version
radiotracer version 2 configuration ascii 
file name scene "../input/vigo.dat" 
file name configuration "../input/rt_startup.cnf" 
file name dop "../output/rt.dop" 
file name field "../output/rt.em" 
file name material "../input/" 
file name mcv "../output/rt.mcv" 
file name path "../output/rt.pth" 
file name voltage "../output/rt.vol" 
file name script "../input/rt.rts" 
file name log "../output/rt.log" 

path name in "../input/" 
path name out "../output/" 
path name tmp "~/tmp/" 
window {
  1.709578e+02   6.460798e+02   6.807063e+02   1.120742e+03   }
window "center" {
  1.709578e+02   6.460798e+02   6.807063e+02   1.120742e+03   }
window "reset" {
  -1.102094e+01   1.471157e+03   2.816584e+02   1.654383e+03   }

command name vrml "vrweb " 
command name editor "gvim  " 

color background 0 
color info 13 
color transmitter 4 
color transmitter select 3 
color receiver 2 
color receiver select 3 
color quadtree 3 
color building 1 
color tree 11 
color trunk 9 
color ground 14 
color path los 7 
color path transmitter 3 
color path receiver 3 
color path reflection 4 
color path vertical diffraction 10 
color path adjacent vertical diffraction 6 
color path horizontal diffraction 8 
color path adjacent horizontal diffraction 12 
color path ground 1 
color path scatterer 15 
color threshold 1 5 3 2 
color legend number 14 15 14 13 16 6 10 8 11 12 4 9 
7 5 3 

threshold power 0 -8.000000e+01 
threshold power 1 -5.000000e+01 
use threshold power off 
threshold dop 0 2.000000e+00 
threshold dop 1 6.000000e+00 
use threshold dop off 
threshold fresnel 0 6.000000e-01 
threshold fresnel 1 8.000000e-01 
use threshold fresnel off 
threshold mcv 0 4 
threshold mcv 1 7 
use threshold mcv off 

format vrml 1 
format file ascii 
zoom 9.000000e+01 

postscript width 1.500000e+01 
postscript height 2.300000e+01 
postscript scale 1.000000e+00 
postscript mode color 
postscript box on 

draw path on 
write log on 
leafsegments 100 
depth 100 

dop type pdop 
dop method minimum 3 
dop optimize neldermead 
dop delta off 
dop weight 5.000000e-01 
dop penalty 5.000000e+02 
dop nodop 5.000000e+01 
dop tolerance 1.000000e-02 
dop evaluation 1000 
dop iteration 100 
dop maximum 
dop random off 
dop smooth off 

fresnel zone 1 
maxreflections 0 
maxvdiffractions 1 
maxinteractions 2 
los on 
ground los off 
diffraction vertical on 
ground diffraction vertical off 
diffraction horizontal off 
ground diffraction horizontal off 
reflection off 
ground reflection off 
diffraction reflection off 
diffraction horizontal adjacent off 
ground diffraction horizontal adjacent off 
diffraction vertical adjacent off 
ground diffraction vertical adjacent off 
attenuation off 
scatterer off 
shadowboundary 0.000000e+00 
path length 0.000000e+00 

tolerance minimum diffraction height 2.000000e-02 
tolerance minimum diffraction length 2.000000e-02 
tolerance minimum reflection height 2.000000e-02 
tolerance minimum power -2.400000e+02 
precision 6 

transmitter default height 2.000000e+01 
transmitter default antenna isotropic polarisation vertical
frequency 9.000000e+02 power 1.000000e+00 end 

receiver default height 3.000000e+00 
receiver default samplingrate 1.000000e+01 
receiver default antenna isotropic polarisation vertical
frequency 9.000000e+02 end 


© 1998-2004, mobile connect GmbH, RadioTracer Manual Version 1.8