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General Remarks to the Format Description

The general structure of a RadioTracer output file is:

ASCII-header + the rest

where the header defines whether the rest will be in ASCII or in binary.

Throughout this section, the following meta symbols are used for the formal description of the formats (modified Backus-Naur-Notation):

// comments follow
( ) group of symbols
{ } optional group of symbols
| exclusive OR
& any order allowed within group
[ ] non-terminal symbol
< > terminal symbol (token), where
  <lower case> means required
  <UPPER CASE> means optional
  <{> <}> means optional
  (but must be used in pairs correctly!)
  case insensitive within file
" " input defined terminal symbol
  (but must be double quoted in file too!)
  case sensitive within file
$ $ number representation
$type == x$ means value must be equal to x
:n width in bits for number representation in binary files

The accepted delimiters to separate tokens in ASCII files are:

blank ASCII character code 32 (0x20 hexadecimal)
tabulator ASCII character code 9 (0x09 hexadecimal)
carriage return ASCII character code 13 (0x0D hexadecimal)
line feed ASCII character code 11 (0x0A hexadecimal)

Please note the following remarks:

The following short-cut notation is used for iteration:

[list] = [item] | [list]

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© 1998-2004, mobile connect GmbH, RadioTracer Manual Version 1.8